name) == 'rss') { ShowFeed_RSS($XmlRoot); } else if (strtolower($XmlRoot->name) == 'feed') { ShowFeed_Atom($XmlRoot); } else if (strtolower($XmlRoot->name) == 'rdf:rdf') { ShowFeed_RDF($XmlRoot); } else if (strtolower($XmlRoot->name) == 'smf:xml-feed') { ShowFeed_SMFXMLFEED($XmlRoot, 'http://www.your-smf-forum.tld/', 'Forum title', 'Your SMF...'); } } } // ############################################################################# function ShowFeed_RSS($XmlRoot) { global $Feed_NoTitle; global $Feed_RSS_ShowEnclosure; global $Feed_MaxItems; global $Feed_ShowInfo; global $Feed_ShowDescription; $title = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, 'channel/title'); $link = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, 'channel/link'); $desc = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, 'channel/description'); if (!$title) $title = $Feed_NoTitle; if ($link) { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } else { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } echo '
'; echo $outTitle.'
'.$desc; echo "
\n"; $nodelist = GetChildrenByPathAndName($XmlRoot, 'channel', 'item'); if (!$nodelist) return 0; $iItemCount = 0; foreach ($nodelist as $nl) { if ($Feed_MaxItems > -1) if ($iItemCount >= $Feed_MaxItems) break; $title = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'title'); $link = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'link'); $desc = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'description'); $creator = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'author'); if (!$creator) $creator = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'dc:creator'); $pubdate = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'pubDate'); if (!$pubdate) $pubdate = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'dc:date'); if ($pubdate) $pubdate = strtotime($pubdate); if ($pubdate) { if (strftime('%H%M%S', $pubdate) == '000000') { $pubdate = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', $pubdate); } else { $pubdate = strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S', $pubdate); } } if (!$title) $title = $Feed_NoTitle; if ($link) { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } else { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } $outInfo = $creator; if ( ($creator != '') && ($pubdate != '') ) $outInfo .= ' @ '; $outInfo .= $pubdate; if ($outInfo != '') $outInfo = ' ('.htmlentities($outInfo).')'; if ($Feed_RSS_ShowEnclosure) { $encl = ''; $enclNode = GetFirstChildByName($nl, 'enclosure'); if ($enclNode) { $enclUrl = GetAttribByName($enclNode, 'url'); $enclLen = intval(GetAttribByName($enclNode, 'length')); $enclTyp = GetAttribByName($enclNode, 'type'); $path_parts = pathinfo($enclUrl); $enclFile = urldecode($path_parts['filename'].'.'.$path_parts['extension']); if ($enclLen >= 1000 * 1024) { $enclLen = $enclLen / 1024 / 1024; $enclLenOut = ' ('.number_format($enclLen, 2, ',', '.').' MB)'; } else if ($enclLen > 0) { $enclLen = $enclLen / 1024; $enclLenOut = ' ('.number_format($enclLen, 0, ',', '.').' KB)'; } else { $enclLenOut = ""; } $encl = '
'; } } echo '
'; echo $outTitle; if ($Feed_ShowInfo) echo $outInfo; if ($Feed_ShowDescription) echo '
'; if ($Feed_RSS_ShowEnclosure) echo $encl; echo "
\n"; $iItemCount++; } // Das Entfernen oder í„ndern der nachfolgenden Zeile ist nur mit ausdrücklicher Genhmigung des Autors gestattet! echo '

Powered by RSS Reader (

'; } // ############################################################################# function ShowFeed_Atom($XmlRoot) { global $Feed_NoTitle; global $Feed_RSS_ShowEnclosure; global $Feed_MaxItems; global $Feed_ShowInfo; global $Feed_ShowDescription; $title = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, 'title'); $link = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, 'link'); $desc = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, 'subtitle'); if (!$title) $title = $Feed_NoTitle; if ($link) { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } else { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } echo '
'; echo $outTitle.'
'.$desc; echo "
\n"; $nodelist = GetChildrenByPathAndName($XmlRoot, '', 'entry'); if (!$nodelist) return 0; $iItemCount = 0; foreach ($nodelist as $nl) { if ($Feed_MaxItems > -1) if ($iItemCount >= $Feed_MaxItems) break; $title = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'title'); $link = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'link'); $desc = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'summary'); $creator = GetFirstChildContentByPath($nl, 'author/name'); $pubdate = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'updated'); if (!$pubdate) $pubdate = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'modified'); if (!$pubdate) $pubdate = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'created'); if ($pubdate) $pubdate = strtotime($pubdate); if ($pubdate) { if (strftime('%H%M%S', $pubdate) == '000000') { $pubdate = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', $pubdate); } else { $pubdate = strftime('%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S', $pubdate); } } if (!$title) $title = $Feed_NoTitle; if ($link) { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } else { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } $outInfo = $creator; if ( ($creator != '') && ($pubdate != '') ) $outInfo .= ' @ '; $outInfo .= $pubdate; if ($outInfo != '') $outInfo = ' ('.htmlentities($outInfo).')'; echo '
'; echo $outTitle; if ($Feed_ShowInfo) echo $outInfo; if ($Feed_ShowDescription) echo '
'; echo "
\n"; $iItemCount++; } // Das Entfernen oder í„ndern der nachfolgenden Zeile ist nur mit ausdrücklicher Genhmigung des Autors gestattet! echo '

Powered by RSS Reader (

'; } // ############################################################################# function ShowFeed_RDF($XmlRoot) { global $Feed_NoTitle; global $Feed_MaxItems; global $Feed_ShowInfo; global $Feed_ShowDescription; $title = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, "channel/title"); $link = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, "channel/link"); $desc = GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, "channel/description"); if (!$title) $title = $Feed_NoTitle; if ($link) { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } else { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } echo '
'; echo $outTitle.'
'.$desc; echo "
\n"; $nodelist = $XmlRoot->children; if (!$nodelist) return 0; $iItemCount = 0; foreach ($nodelist as $nl) { if ($Feed_MaxItems > -1) if ($iItemCount >= $Feed_MaxItems) break; if (strtolower($nl->name) != 'item') continue; $title = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'title'); $link = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'link'); $desc = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'description'); $creator = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'author'); $creator = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'dc:creator'); $pubdate = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'pubDate'); if (!$pubdate) $pubdate = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'dc:date'); if ($pubdate != '') intval($pubdate = strtotime($pubdate)); if ($pubdate > 0) $pubdate = strftime('%d.%m.%Y', $pubdate); else $pubdate = ''; if (!$title) $title = $Feed_NoTitle; if ($link) { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } else { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } $outInfo = $creator; if ( ($creator != '') && ($pubdate != '') ) $outInfo .= ' @ '; $outInfo .= $pubdate; if ($outInfo != '') $outInfo = ' ('.htmlentities($outInfo).')'; echo '
'; echo $outTitle; if ($Feed_ShowInfo) echo $outInfo; if ($Feed_ShowDescription) echo '
'; echo "
\n"; $iItemCount++; } // Das Entfernen oder í„ndern der nachfolgenden Zeile ist nur mit ausdrücklicher Genhmigung des Autors gestattet! echo '

Powered by RSS Reader (

'; } // ############################################################################# function ShowFeed_SMFXMLFEED($XmlRoot, $link, $title, $desc) { global $Feed_NoTitle; global $Feed_MaxItems; global $Feed_ShowInfo; global $Feed_ShowDescription; if (!$title) $title = $Feed_NoTitle; if ($link) { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } else { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } echo '
'; echo $outTitle.'
'.$desc; echo "
\n"; $nodelist = $XmlRoot->children; if (!$nodelist) return 0; $iItemCount = 0; foreach ($nodelist as $nl) { if ($Feed_MaxItems > -1) if ($iItemCount >= $Feed_MaxItems) break; $title = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'subject'); $link = GetFirstChildContentByPath($nl, 'link'); $desc = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'body'); $poster = GetFirstChildContentByPath($nl, 'poster/name'); $posterlink = GetFirstChildContentByPath($nl, 'poster/link'); if (!$title) $title = $Feed_NoTitle; if ($link) { $outTitle = ''.htmlentities($title).''; } else { $outTitle = ''.$title.''; } if ( ($poster != '') && ($posterlink != '') ) $poster = ''.htmlentities($poster).''; $pubdate = GetFirstChildContentByName($nl, 'time'); $outInfo = $poster; if ( ($poster != '') && ($pubdate != '') ) $outInfo .= ' @ '; $outInfo .= $pubdate; if ($outInfo != '') $outInfo = ' ('.htmlentities($outInfo).')'; echo '
'; echo $outTitle; if ($Feed_ShowInfo) echo $outInfo; if ($Feed_ShowDescription) echo '
'; echo "
\n"; $iItemCount++; } // Das Entfernen oder í„ndern der nachfolgenden Zeile ist nur mit ausdrücklicher Genhmigung des Autors gestattet! echo '

Powered by RSS Reader (

'; } // ############################################################################# function GetAttribByName($XmlNode, $sName, $bCase = false) { if (!$bCase) $sName = strtolower($sName); if (!$bCase) $aAttributes = array_change_key_case($XmlNode->attributes, CASE_LOWER); if (isset($aAttributes[$sName])) return $aAttributes[$sName]; else return false; } // ############################################################################# function GetChildrenByPathAndName($XmlRoot, $sPath, $sName, $bCase = false) { $oRes = array(); $oNode = $XmlRoot; if ($sPath != '') { $aPath = GetPath($sPath); foreach ($aPath as $p) { $oNode = GetFirstChildByName($oNode, $p); if (!$oNode) return false; } } foreach ($oNode->children as $c) { if ($bCase) { if (strcmp($c->name, $sName) == 0) $oRes[count($oRes)] = $c; } else { if (strcasecmp($c->name, $sName) == 0) $oRes[count($oRes)] = $c; } } return $oRes; } // ############################################################################# function GetChildrenByPath($XmlRoot, $sPath, $bCase = false) { $aPath = GetPath($sPath); $oNode = $XmlRoot; foreach ($aPath as $p) { $oNode = GetFirstChildByName($oNode, $p, $bCase); if (!$oNode) return false; } return $oNode->children; } // ############################################################################# function GetFirstChildContentByPath($XmlRoot, $sPath, $bCase = false) { $oNode = GetFirstChildByPath($XmlRoot, $sPath, $bCase); if ($oNode) return $oNode->content; else return ''; } // ############################################################################# function GetFirstChildByPath($XmlRoot, $sPath, $bCase = false) { $aPath = GetPath($sPath); $oNode = $XmlRoot; foreach ($aPath as $p) { $oNode = GetFirstChildByName($oNode, $p, $bCase); if (!$oNode) return false; } return $oNode; } // ############################################################################# function GetFirstChildContentByName($oParent, $sName, $bCase = False) { $oNode = GetFirstChildByName($oParent, $sName, $bCase); if ($oNode) return $oNode->content; else return ''; } // ############################################################################# function GetFirstChildByName($oParent, $sName, $bCase = false) { if (count($oParent->children) < 1) return 0; if ($bCase) $sName = strtolower($sName); foreach ($oParent->children as $c) { if ($bCase) { if (strcmp($c->name, $sName) == 0) return $c; } else { if (strcasecmp($c->name, $sName) == 0) return $c; } } return false; } // ############################################################################# function GetPath($sPath, $iMax = 32) { return explode('/', $sPath, $iMax); } // ############################################################################# class XmlElement { var $name; var $attributes; var $content; var $children; }; // ############################################################################# function ParseXmlFile($sFileName) { $handle = @fopen($sFileName, 'rb'); $xml = ''; if (!$handle) return false; while (!feof($handle)) { $xml .= fread($handle, 4096); } fclose($handle); $parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1); xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, 'iso-8859-1'); xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $xml, $tags); xml_parser_free($parser); $elements = array(); $stack = array(); $iItemCount = 0; foreach ($tags as $tag) { $index = count($elements); if ( ($tag['type'] == 'complete') || ($tag['type'] == 'open') ) { $elements[$index] = new XmlElement; if (isset($tag['tag'])) $elements[$index]->name = $tag['tag']; if (isset($tag['attributes'])) $elements[$index]->attributes = $tag['attributes']; if (isset($tag['value'])) $elements[$index]->content = $tag['value']; if ($tag['type'] == 'open') { $elements[$index]->children = array(); $stack[count($stack)] = &$elements; $elements = &$elements[$index]->children; } } if ($tag['type'] == 'close') { $elements = &$stack[count($stack) - 1]; unset($stack[count($stack) - 1]); } } return $elements[0]; } ?> Business software engineering - Lone-Soft Bt.

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